Shafts machining | Turning Machine - Москва

Воскресенье, 9 апреля 2023

Параметры объявления

Город: Москва
Тип предложения: Продам
Цена: $ 10

Контактные данные

Контактное лицо Mr. chu
Телефон 8615119401758

Текст объявления

The precise manufacturing of turning shafts is essential for ensuring optimal performance and dependability because they are an essential part of numerous mechanical systems. The most common method for making turning shafts is CNC machining because it is accurate, consistent, and repeatable. We are the best manufacturer of all kinds of industrial shafts and machined parts that are made to the specifications of our customers and perform to a high standard.
Please tell us your requirements and demands, and send us your drawings or ideas.
Specific prices and terms can be contacted by email or phone