Custom Made Brass Fittings&Brass Fittings Manufacturer - Москва

Воскресенье, 9 апреля 2023

Параметры объявления

Город: Москва
Тип предложения: Продам
Цена: $ 10

Контактные данные

Контактное лицо Mr. chu
Телефон 8615119401758

Текст объявления

For fittings, brass components and parts provide better seals. Metal machining and turning parts are intensity and consumption safe. For fittings, brass components and parts provide better seals. Metal machining and turning parts are heat, consumption safe, and low grating coefficient. Very simple to join and machine. More importantly, it can save money on production and is extremely durable even when subjected to extreme stress.
Please tell us your requirements and demands, and send us your drawings or ideas.
Specific prices and terms can be contacted by email or phone