High-quality notary certified translations from/into all languages - Москва

четверг, 13 марта 2025 г.

Параметры объявления

Город: Москва » Баррикадная м.
Тип предложения: Предложение
Цена: 400 руб.

Контактные данные

Контактное лицо Бюро переводов Логос при Нотариальной конторе
Телефон 84957802922

Текст объявления

Address Our Team of Lawyers-Translators of Logos Translation Bureau at Notary Office

We will assist you properly execute documents under the Russian and foreign legislation


We make
high-quality and urgent translations
at the most beneficial rates
of big volume works,
urgent notary certification of
translations and urgent Apostille

From any CIS countries, European and Eastern languages and vice versa

We offer notary certified translations of:
Birth/Marriage/Death/ Police Certificates,
Driving licenses,
Parental consents,
Job references,
Account statements,
Powers of attorney,
Articles and Memorandums,
Financial statements
and audit opinions,
Contracts and
agreements, Deeds,
Equipment manuals
and specifications

We work with translations in fields of Jurisprudence, Tourism, Accounting and Audit, Certification, Construction, Medicine and Foreign Equipment Delivery to Russia since 2007